
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

25 Days of Thanksgiving–Day 10

I am thankful for my mom. GEDC0025

She was the first to love me and has never stopped – which is saying something (if you knew me)!

One of the things that I’ve always admired about my mom is that she treated my friends like they were her own kids. My friends were always welcomed by my mom. She would feed them and provide a place to sleep at the drop of a hat.

This time of year I am especially thankful. Whenever I think of Thanksgiving and Christmas I think of my mom. The smells that come from her kitchen are a vital part of the holidays.

And for the last 14 years she has been a integral part of my own family’s Christmas. Ever since my youngest son was born, we have visited my mom no matter where we lived. We would travel home sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day and spent time with mom. Christmas wouldn’t be the same without her.

The last four Christmases tested this for us, as we lived 2000 miles away in California. The last two trips back home were especially dicey. We narrowly missed being snowed in at my mom’s on December 23 both years and I need to be in my church to lead worship on Christmas Eve!

This year will be much easier. In August we moved back to the Midwest, actually living in a house literally just down the street from my mom’s house.

I think the one thing I really love about my mom and am especially GEDC0216thankful for is her relationship with my wife. My mom had just me and my brother. My wife was her first daughter. And for my wife, my mom is the only mom she has right now, her mother passing away when my wife was a teenager. Those two have a very special relationship and I’m a better man for it.

Thanks, mom. I love you!

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