
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Don't Count On It!

About 10 years ago, I was talking with a long-time member of the parish I was serving about the school ministry of that parish. I was explaining about the several different ideas I and the other members of the school board were bantering about in regards to moving forward with our school and school ministry.
He said something to the effect that we don’t really need to worry all that much about the school. It was celebrating its 110 anniversary and will pretty much always be there!
10 years and two parishes later I still cringe upon remembering that conversation.
Don’t count on it! Just because a ministry, a school, or a church has been around “forever” doesn’t mean it will be.
Just ask …
I don’t think it is wise to count on something to last just because it has been around for a long time.
Jesus said to not worry about tomorrow. That’s true. In a way, Jesus was saying, “Live for today, not for tomorrow.”
I’ve been asking myself this week what I can do today in the Kingdom of God. I’ve been trying harder to focus on receiving and using my daily bread.
I have been reminding myself that I cannot count on the accomplishments or blessings of the past. I love the past, I love history, I love reading about it and learning from it. But I will not count on it as a substitute for using God’s daily bread. God’s mercies are new every morning for this very reason, I think.